The Nuderm Bespoke facial is key to this incredible machine offering all 6 individual treatments together in sequence over a 1 hour period that will leave you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and "hopefully" looking 10 years younger!

An initial consultation is required to gauge your individual skin tone/muscle resistance as well as a discussion on what results you hope to achieve during the course.Then a course of 10 treatments is recommended over a period of around 4-8 weeks depending on individual requirements and sensitivity levels. Once the course is completed the client then has to have 1 or 2 treatments per month to maintain the results (This is their ongoing maintenance program). Maintenance treatments come at a reduced price to those clients who have undergone a course with us.
Whether a course is needed or a quick one treatment boost, you will always see a result after the first treatment using the Nuderm System, sometimes the result will be slight, however in most cases you will see a noticeable and dramatic change in appearance, it all depends on your clients individual dermal resistance and muscle structure.

PDT Therapy Mask

The light activates photoreceptors in skin cells, produces energy for absorption, which will in turn help minimize the aging process and effectively turn back time.
Recent studies show that when light enters the body as (energy) its absorbed by the photoreceptors within cells. This process is what makes the Nuderm LED Mask one of the very best and non invasive ways of combating various signs of aging.

Light Therapy is also known to be extremely effective in the way it can fight various Aesthetic issues, for instance, inhibiting the formation of melanin pigment, fighting acne and dermatitis, and improving the look of pockmarks, scars and wrinkles.
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